2. Grimes Park: Adjacent to the ferry terminal, Grimes Park is located to the left as one comes off the ferry. Fred Grimes gave this peninsula to the Woodcock–Cassie–Coombs American Legion in the early 1900’s. The Legion was forced to relinquish much of it to the state when the ferry terminal was created. The Legion continues to make the remaining two and a half acres available for public use.
3. Armbrust Hill Town Park: In addition to several short trails, Armbrust Hill also houses the Owen Webster Memorial Playground which has swings, a slide, and a jungle gym. Most of this 30-acre abandoned quarry site was singularly and lovingly reclaimed by Betty Roberts, who then gave the fruits of her efforts to the people of Vinalhaven. A substantial piece that comprised the balance of “the hill” was purchased through the efforts of Vinalhaven Land Trust, and subsequently donated to the town. Trails lead you through a natural amphitheater, or up to Trolley Cliff for a magnificent view of the harbor.
4. Boy Scout Point Town Park: Betty Roberts gave this land to the town in 1976 to be used for education and/or recreation of the town’s youth. The town recently re-opened the trails on this 4-acre park. Walking from downtown, turn right onto Water Street, keep going across the Lane's Island bridge and take your first left after the bridge.
6/7. Booth’s Quarry and Narrows Town Park: Of the several abandoned granite quarries, Booth’s is town-owned and open for the public to enjoy. Over the years, it is filled with cool, pure spring water, and is a favorite swimming hole. Much more can be learned about the quarrying history from a visit to the Vinalhaven Historical Society. To get there, go right out of the ferry terminal and continue on Main Street through town to East Main Street, a total of 2 miles from the ferry; Booth’s Quarry parking will be on your right on Booth’s Quarry Road. Continue to the end of the road to Narrow's Town Park. Located at the end of the dirt road, this park offers views of the eastern bay and downeast to Mount Desert Island.
8. Geary’s Beach Town Park (aka: State Beach): A beach Island which becomes a peninsula at low tide. This treasured vantage of the eastern bay was gifted to the town by the State of Maine in 1988. A great spot for bird watching. From the ferry terminal, take a right onto Main Street and continue on East Main Street for 2.6 miles until you come to the recently restored Coke bottle/Statue of Liberty statue (at the junction with Round the Island Road), bear right at Poole’s Hill Road and take the next right onto State Beach Road following it to the end.
10. Sunset Rock Town Park: This park is accessible to walkers and bicyclists only via a private right-of-way on which vehicles (other than those belonging to abutters) are not permitted. Take a left onto Sands Road for 0.4 miles, turn left on Old Harbor Road, drive 1.3 miles to City Point Road on your left. If you are driving, continue past City Point Road another few hundred yards to a small pull-off area, at the bottom of the hill (parking for 11b). Walk back and turn in at City Point Road. At the intersection with Bayview Cemetery Road continue left on a dirt road marked “Private Road. No Public Parking” about 0.4 miles, past the A-frame on your right. Climb up to the top to enjoy the view of Hurricane Sound and the sun setting over the White Islands.
12. Isle Au Haut Town Park: On the left, just before Lawson's Quarry, Isle au Haut Mountain Road leads to 17 acres of granite outcrop, pitch pine, crowberry, and views of the southern bay. To get there, go left on Sands Road for 0.4 miles, then right on Old Harbor for 0.3 miles, bear slightly left onto North Haven Road, Isle Au Haut Mountain Rd is your second left. Do not attempt to drive in. Park a little further up the North Haven Road, at Lawson’s Quarry (#13). Walk in and bear right as you follow the gravel road to the end.
13. Lawson’s Quarry: Lawson's Quarry is filled with fresh spring water, and like Booth's Quarry, it is town-owned and open for the public to enjoy. From the ferry terminal, go left on Sands Road for 0.4 miles, then right on Old Harbor Road for 0.3 miles, then bear slightly left onto North Haven Road for 0.5 miles. Lawson's Quarry is a total of 1.2 miles from the ferry terminal.
20. Middle Mountain Town Park: With 75 acres of trails and vistas overlooking North Haven and the mainland, this is a natural beginning—or end—to the Perry Creek/Indian Ladder/Fox Rocks Trail. The southeastern leg of the Long Cove Loop Trails is on private property, which the owners are graciously allowing the public to use. Please be especially courteous here, and leave no trash that might jeopardize this privilege. From the ferry terminal, go left on Sands Road for 0.4 miles, then right on Old Harbor Road for 0.3 miles, bear slightly left onto North Haven Road for 5.3 miles (bearing left onto North Haven Road at fork), the parking area and trailhead for the park are located on the left.
Middle Mountain Trail: The trail runs about 0.5 mile from the parking lot to the summit of Middle Mountain, with easy grades and excellent cover for songbirds. Expect to hear hermit thrushes, white-throated sparrows, and warblers such as yellow-throats, black-throated greens, ovenbirds, and others as you walk.
Long Cove Loop Trail: This 0.75 mile trail begins with a left turn at the top of the first hill. After threading across some open ledges with vistas to the south and the east, the trail descends steeply to the head of Long Cove, where a short spur allows a view from a tidal ledge. It then climbs gradually, bringing hikers within sight of the summit of Middle Mountain, and continues on to end near the vista of the Camden Hills.
23a. Tip Toe Mountain Town Park: This little hill (Little Tip Toe) is deceptively humble from the road, but an easy climb to its summit offers impressive views—up Crockett Cove—of the southern bay. From the ferry terminal, go left on Sands Road for 0.4 miles, then right on Old Harbor for 0.3 miles, bear slightly left onto North Haven Road for 6.4 miles, take a left onto Tip Toe Mountain Road and travel 1.2 miles down this gravel road to the little parking area on the left.