Our Mission
Vinalhaven Land Trust conserves and stewards our island’s important natural, recreational, and agricultural resources, including scenic and other traditionally valued places, for the benefit and enjoyment of the entire Vinalhaven community. Through education and engagement, VLT seeks to advance understanding and appreciation of the natural world.
VLT values the natural resources of Vinalhaven. They provide varied habitats, recharge the island’s aquifer, and enhance the community’s resilience in the face of climate change.
VLT values connecting people to the island’s lands. We work to provide public access to protected properties, and to engage community members in understanding and appreciating the ecological value and beauty of those lands through programs and experiences for all.
VLT values those who live on, visit, and love Vinalhaven. We strive to be reliable and trusted partners in strengthening community well-being and to be worthy of continued volunteer and gift support of VLT.
VLT values equity, inclusivity, and diversity. Our conservation mission is best advanced by giving equal voice and opportunity to people of all backgrounds, ages, beliefs, and cultures. We seek to rediscover and make known to others the wisdom of people and cultures that have come before us on the island.
VLT values adherence to the highest ethical and professional standards. We hold ourselves accountable to our mission and to the community, in perpetuity.
2021-2026 Strategic Plan
Goal #1 Build Upon Land Conservation Effort
Capitalize on our conservation success by selectively and strategically protecting parcels of land with high natural resource and scenic values, and by undertaking projects with the most beneficial community outcomes in mind.
· Augment VLT’s ‘whole place’ conservation protection when possible.
· Further water resource protection, including island recharge areas.
· Identify and support shorefront access for the community.
· Monitor the status of and access to other special places on the island that represent the traditional character of Vinalhaven.
Goal #2 Enhance Land Management & Stewardship
Broaden the appeal of VLT’s protected properties through new land management techniques and by providing more opportunities for access by people of all ages and abilities.
· Employ current and emerging best practices and technology in managing our protected properties and stewarding VLT’s conservation easements, including monitoring the ongoing impact of climate change and adapting our land management practices as appropriate.
· Connect more people to the land by looking for opportunities to increase community benefits, such as protecting productive farmlands.
· Enhance public access, working collaboratively with landowners and other organizations, such as making trails user-friendly for people with a wide array of abilities.
Goal #3 Engage with Our Communities
Maintain our resolute commitment to connecting people with place and each other in ways that are welcoming, that will generate new opportunities for more people to get involved with VLT, and that will build additional support for conservation in general.
· Develop a dynamic new communications plan to reach our constituencies, including next-generation year-round and seasonal residents. Use a wide variety of methods and media to connect the community to the benefits of our protected properties, such as preserving public access, protecting scenic vistas and freshwater recharge areas, safeguarding wildlife habitat, and enhancing climate resiliency.
· In collaboration with partners whenever feasible, offer a variety of learning opportunities, both on-island and virtual, to our stakeholders, such as landowners, other residents, community leaders, the business community, and visitors.
· Working collaboratively with the Vinalhaven School and others, expand VLT’s support of K-12 education, both during and after school.
· Through signage, walks, and outreach, share information about the First People and pre-colonial life on the island.
Goal # 4 Strengthen Our Organization
Develop our board to its fullest capacity, ensuring VLT is always well-staffed and well-managed, welcomes volunteers, and plans for long-term financial stability and organizational sustainability.
· Strengthen the Board’s knowledge and governance skills and enhance overall Board effectiveness, level of engagement, and satisfaction.
· Assess staffing and volunteer capacity and ensure their adequacy. Design an orderly succession process for key staff members and volunteers.
· Plan for long-term financial security, including developing the practice of scenario planning and broadening the focus of our development efforts, emphasizing attention to members, continued growth of annual giving, special-purpose fund-raising (e.g., stewardship), capital and planned giving, and donor relationship cultivation.
· Increase awareness of and incorporate DEIA (diversity, equity, inclusivity, access) into our organizational practices.
This plan is the result of a great deal of hard work by many people. The Strategic Planning Committee, chaired by Bill Jaques, led the way, with the support of Executive Director, Linnell Mather, and the help of outside facilitator, Carole Martin. Valuable early input was provided by a number of island residents, other land trusts, other local and regional organizations, and outside experts. To shape the final plan, the committee took the input from task forces composed of current and past board members. Grateful recognition also goes to our past President, David Hyde, who originally identified the importance of this effort and initiated the process. Heartfelt thanks to all for producing a blueprint that will guide the work of VLT and help us meet the challenges to come.
Carol Baker, Jim Boone, Lee Campbell, Art Carpenter, Eric Davis, Joshua Eckels, Chuck Gadzik, David Hyde, Bill Jaques, Cay Kendrick, Pam Kittredge, Jonathan Labaree, Susie Lawrence, Sean Mahoney, Lucy McCarthy, Mike Mesko, Lucy Quimby, Sherry Rega, Steve Rosen, Elizabeth Swain, Mark Tolette, Pam Wetherbee