Planned Giving
As a gift-supported organization, Vinalhaven Land Trust relies on the generosity of its members and friends to support not only its annual operations, but also its long-term strength and sustainability. VLT has been the fortunate recipient of special gifts from donors to accomplish such projects as establishing new preserves, expanding VLT's environmental education program, creating an endowment to support land stewardship, and enhancing staff benefits. The cumulative effect of these wonderful contributions has been immeasurable
“Planned Gifts” refer to a variety of gift techniques that you can employ to contribute to VLT's future strength and wellbeing. The following are four popular planned giving options
Bequests: You can make a provision now in your estate plan (in your will or trust) that will benefit VLT in the future. You can designate a specific amount, a percentage of your assets, or a contingent or remainder arrangement that will take effect only after other obligations are satisfied.
Gifts from Retirement Assets
Gifts from Life Insurance
Life Income Gifts
We welcome your inquiry as you consider your philanthropic support of VLT. All inquiries will be treated in strict confidence. Please contact VLT’s Executive Director, Andrea Hogan, as follows:
Email: andrea.hogan@vinalhavenlandtrust.org
Phone: 207.863.2543
Mail: Vinalhaven Land Trust, PO Box 268, Vinalhaven, ME 04863